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0965111197Hotline khách sỉ:
02439741791 - 0904833681Năm XB: | 2021 | Loại sách: | Ebook; |
Khổ sách: | 16 x 24 (cm) | Số trang: | 145 |
Quốc gia: | Việt Nam | Ngôn ngữ: | en |
Mã ISBN: | Mã ISBN Điện tử: | 978-604-82-6857-2 |
Further from its own justification, teaching and learning English has increasingly occupied high interests from Vietnamese in the globalization race. Practical languages for various contexts are likely to work as the core of this interaction. Given this situation, English ffor specific purposes (ESP) courses have been incorporated into foreign language curricula of higher education institutions in Vietnam. It is compulsory ffor students to complete ESP modules before graduating.
By having the objectives of the ESP teaching and learning the textbook “Englishfor civil and industrial construction ” is compiled to fulfill the needs of the students. This can also serve as a reference for engineers, architects, workers and anyone who concern with the industrial and civil construction field.
Based on English proficiency of the students and the ESP course requirements, the materials are careful selected and designed. The textbook involves authentic materials with job-related content which reproduce an immersion environment and provide realistic contexts for tasks that relate to learners' major. Vocabulary, grammar structures that are common used in the expert-field included in this ESP material. This textbook also offers various tasks and activities in order to help learners use language skills more effectively in the industrial and civil construction context.
The textbook contains 8 units with 8 different topics: The procedure of building construction, Site investigations and Soil mechanics, Building materials, The design process, Foundations, Structures, Water supply and Quality and Safety during Construction. Grammar bank and glossary are attached at the final pages of the textbook.
The structure of each part listed as follow:
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